Personal Injury

Consumer Protection: Then and Now

This post was written by a guest contributor and reviewed by Sellers Law Firm.

In the past, products were made regardless of how they affected consumers. Research shows that lead paint has been used for centuries by past civilizations, but it was not until fairly recently that it was banned due to the health issues it caused, as a personal injury lawyer can explain:

Lead Paint

Invented in ancient times, paint was more recently manufactured with lead due to its quick drying properties and long lasting finish. However, researchers began to notice that children who suffered from lead poisoning also struggled with neurological problems. In the 70s, an official link was made between the use of lead in products such as paint and long term damage.


CPSC, or the Consumer Product Safety Commission, is an independent regulatory agency established by the federal government in 1972. This commission was created to try and protect the public against injury or death caused by consumer products. Although you may not realize it, you have most likely crossed paths with CPSC because this is the organization that announces product recalls — think of faulty airbags or glass found in bottled drinks. It is the CPSC’s job to research potential hazards and obtain recalled products while educating the public about possible product problems. 

Circling back to the mention of lead paint, it was the CPSC that banned it in 1978 due to the research provided by medical professionals. More recently, the CPSC banned certain chemicals used in children’s products that were found to cause health problems. This is just one example of how far consumer protections have come. However, there is still more progress to be made in this area of law, as our friends at Cohen & Cohen can explain.

Modern Advancements

With the CPSC standing behind consumers, there have been many modern advancements to protect the public. For example, crash test dummies used in cars help to overcome faulty car parts. Digital simulations can ensure that your child’s fingers won’t be pinched in a new product.

However, even with these advancements come new problems with consumer safety. More and more counterfeit products are flooding the market. These products are manufactured by cutting corners which makes them cheaper, but they may cost you your life, or the life of a family member. 

Additionally, some corners are still cut when it comes to ensuring products are truly safe for the market. For example, in 2025 a bike helmet sold on Amazon by a company in China has been recalled because it does not meet safety standards put in place to protect children. Thankfully, this product has been recalled before serious injuries occurred, but this should never have been allowed to endanger children’s safety.

While consumer protections have come a long way, there is still quite a ways to go. If you or someone you love has been injured by a product, contact a product liability attorney near you. Faulty products can have many different entities that can be held liable from manufacturers cutting corners to shipping companies not handling products properly to final storefronts not correctly assembling products. Reach out to a lawyer near you today to see who can be held liable for your injuries caused by faulty products.

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